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​The Secret of the Black Eyed Children requires access to the deep, and dark secrets of the Dark Con of Man

There are (2) types of the Black Eyed beings that have been identified, and one group is made (an occult practice teaches how to let a malevolent spirit enter the body), and the other is created)

The Black Eyed One’s that are made, are an asset (and slave) of their owners, who use them to further their agenda and to assist in completing their plan

Serving their master, Satan, Lucifer, Baphomet, Molech, Baal, The Devil, Lillith, or Rainman; they succumb to the promises that will never be fulfilled, and while some of them sense this, there are many that know it but are swayed by the illusion they possess

The ones that are made, can call upon their masters demon to take possession of the self, and many are unaware that this leads to loss of control, and eventually the loss of their soul

The second type of identified blackeyed beings are the created, who are called the humans, and this term has been used to condition mankind to believe that humans and those who are inhuman exist

Both of these BlackEyed beings will meet their own demise, and everyone is unaware of the Dark Plan of their masters that is deisgned to exterminate mankind, and to be replaced by the humans they created (The made will serve their purpose and, served to the slaves in their mea) Everyone should understand the term "meat", and the animal that it will come from

For they are to serve as the examples, as to his power and what he wants them to believe is that he has created them for his pleasure and they will serve him in the end

Science’s attempt to know the unknown, and to control the uncontrollable, will be the engine that will lead to the demise of mankind

This plan will be accomplished through the Human Genome Project that created a hybrid life form, which is the replacement for mankind

The result of this evil plan and its works, is the creation of a species within a race, who are the Black Eyed Children that possess the DNA of animal, reptile, and human

They are the new bees, and the plan to exterminate mankind is required to allow them to enter the world of light

In secret labs they were bred, with selected females who were confined and led to believe they would go home, and fed to the children they bred


The Dark Con of Man reveals the plan to replace mankind with the Black Eyed Children, and control them to serve their plans. The fate of mankind rests upon the knowledge of the danger that these inhuman creatures represent, and how it will affect everyone and the future of man


Everyone can join and learn the secret of how to see their past deeds, and photograph them, as evidence to consider a solution to address their condition and return them to a clean state again.


Contributors are welcome, and will receive the reward they select, and learn about the research that is important to them, their family and friends

Participants that choose to become part of the research will have access to a large catalog of the Mysteries & Secrets of Heaven & Earth, with evidence that they will produce for themselves

The research is managed by a recognized 501 (c) (3), Public 170 (b) charity whose daily operations are managed by a Board of Directors. All proceeds are applied to the research, and to provide the services for everyone that joins

To Join and be notified when the public release begins, go to the YouTube channel of the research: LegionOfHolyHands and give us a like

The project does not promote organized religions, nor do the conclusions contradict personal convictions, belief or faith


Everyone will be able to perfect their knowledge of their convictions, beliefs, and faith, and produce physical evidence of their success


If you are interested in current affairs that could affect the world, please view the previous posts on BeforeItsNews by August Day


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